SwissBliss bid $700
SwissBliss bid $900
SwissBliss said:
@amg5pt4 Doh! Knowing you have multiple, I figured it could be your 5th
@Patinacollective is in the house! Awesome comment and would love to learn more about the certification, is it just for AMG 126s? @amg5pt4 Precisely and so well put -- not only that , but you had the 'eye' and knew what few did before the market exploded on these. And STILL made her better over 15 years, and STILL didn't sell when the market corrected, until now. And you STILL have another one. Could we get some background on your username please? 😛 P.s. You are my hero.
I don't know what to say about the car that hasn't really already been said, but the seller has been the ideal owner of this car. TBH I haven't even checked any pics (I already know how clean it is) and went straight to the comments... This is going to be a good one and to me, this is what sets @MBMarket apart from what bring a trailer has become -- sellers like this, with extreme passion/knowledge/skills/funds, to properly take care, enjoy, and perhaps even break even or make a profit -- and that goes the same for the bidders & peanut gallery 😅 THIS is how it is done, amazing opening comment, follow ups, AMG history for us nerds, this seller/auction has it all! @AMG5pt4 Well done sir!
I am wanting to go much deeper, like 3"
My grandpappy's last dying words, his dying wish...was to never buy a boosted car without a dyno sheet. I have never let him down..
@seller can you please post the dyno sheets?
Can these be fitted with deep dish lips? I am looking to mount on a 560SEC
Crying tears of joy in 560SEC...
@Bologna1 - I would love to pick your brain about this car and the build, I am working on something similar and am curious if I should add 300-400hp to my SEC or go widebody (everything else is done)... could you give me an email so we can link up? witt . douglas AT gmail DOTCOM
Is there a reserve?! ::::::::::::::::::::::OOOOOHHHHHhhhhhhh YYYYYYYYYYYYYYeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh::::::::::::::::::::::
I am so very confused
@theamgkit are you a vendor? What's your BenzWorld handle? Would love to connect..
@seller - Can you confirm that 100% of the functions/buttons on the Recaro CSE seats work? As in, do they operate via the seat controls with 10+ functions, or do they only work with the 3 function OEM door controls...?
I did notice something, confirmed after collaborating with my BenzWorld colleagues.... You noted that this also fits a 560SEC / C126 , however it does not, especially with the front bumper and the chrome... Not only will it take a significant effort from a body shop due to the difference on the ends, but the chrome piece on the front bumper is entirely incompatible, due to the difference between the sedan and coupe grilles.. The do not fit whatsoever. That does not even get into the blatant exclusion of the foglights, a crucial 560SEC design feature. With that being said, somebody please outbid me.... so I do not have to default. I probably should not have spilled the beans to eliminate any 560SEC bidders, but I could not in good faith allow someone else to get stuck holding the bag. God help me.....
Good to know, thanks for the prompt response Sherminator!
Is this the same unit? It is same color and grass background, but seems to be different location, just wanted to double check..
Can the damage be repaired?
What would shipping be to 75077?
Any update @ammaraj24 ? Please don't continue the cycle of not verifying and selling to another poor schmuck later...
@mbmarket - Gripping grain, swanging and bangin.......Love the Paul Wall reference, Blakely! IYKYK.....
Very good price for both buyer and seller. Also, shout-out to the legendary 560SEC wizard, @magicbigdaddy
@MBFahrer - what does that even matter, especially on an 83 500se (no offense, seriously...) -- the only person that would know would be you, the fact that the downpipes are not AMG is such an incredibly trivial detail that does not matter, especially on a non-AMG car. The only reason these are so valued is that they are damn near perfect headers which would cost many thousand for a custom exhaust shop to create with a similar or higher (if possible) level of performance. The downpipes just connect the headers to the rest of the exhaust, essentially straight tubes... If I had to choose from my $2000 (I checked what I had paid and it wasn't $1750 :-( ) set that included downpipes, but not ceramic coated, vs. these and had my exhaust shop fab downpipes (while they were fabbing the rest of the exhaust anyway) , it would be a no-brainer.... ESPECIALLY if I could get them for same price or less, considering I was quoted $400+ for ceramic coating. Someone is going to get a helluva deal, regardless of price, just due to how rare these are. If you have a W126 or 560SEC , JUMP ON THESE.... BRB... going to post this ad to BenzWorld to help seller (& my SEC friends) out. GLWA!!!
WOW!!! These are the holy grail right here.... For reference, I paid $1750 earlier this year, and they were not as nice nor ceramic coated like these. They did have downpipes though... Add a custom exhaust with X Pipe & Cat delete and muffler of choice (I went with a valved Valvetronic kit which allows you to open them up at the push of a wireless button) and you are in sonic heaven. Additionally, the trusty butt dyno confirms a noticeable power boost. Buyer is going to get a helluva great and very very rare and unique set of headers!
Could I please get a shipping quote to Texas, USA (75077 zip code)
. @ammaraj24 - I will be following you on reddit for sure.... (Have never been on Instagram once in my life, not today, satan) VERY interested in how this turns out!
Am I the only one feeling the seller is constantly dogging the engine questions. Does he not understand that the body parts bring negligible value to this car unless there is 100% certainty this is a true 6.0 AMG?!?!!?! I would even bet that he is losing money vs just being advertised as a 500SL. $50-$100k+ left on the table without evidence. Even if a PPI was $5k, it is an insane decision if the seller truly knows the provenance of the vehicle. And it is also a glaring red flag if the seller does not go to whatever lengths necessary, big or small, to confirm this is a true 6.0 AMG... Don't even get me started on the likely lost value vs. just being honest, of this due to the seller not publishing or (even worse) not pursuing this information within the next 7 days. I for one am withholding a bed until proper evidence is presented.... !Remind me 6 days!
@TheAMGKit I have not ever logged on/looked at Instagram once in my life. Not today, Satan!
@kwiekClassics I am just curious, how much would a M113 / M113K swap cost, with either a 6 Speed Manual, or this same 722 auto swap? Total, all in, if you were shipped a Grade A SEC that did not need anything other than a new engine, trans, and 400 more HP?
This comment section is on fire. I hope this goes to 100k and am extremely thankful for all of the Kweik supporters showing out.... It has solidified my decision to have Matt take my 560 to the next level, 600hp+ . King of C126 Restomods, Master of MBMarket, all hail the champ....
Matt, I don't think there could have been a better response from a better seller than that. When you said personal m113K it was checkmate, bravo. I had no idea Matt / @kwiekclassics built this car, he is an SEC legend.
Also, to clarify, no hate at all....The seller has built an impressive canvas, and I truly hope this meets reserve/gets full value, as well as the buyer getting a great deal with enough funds to complete the build!
I am in awe. Both at everything done, but also of the thought process of not swapping a 113K instead. While it is a huge miss, if this can be had for under 20k it would be a decent deal....and the new owner can definitely do right by adding a Kompressor... Speaking from experience as an SEC owner with 100k into mine (everything this + more) with the only thing missing is a proper engine swap. 500rwhp+ Kompressor or bust!!! Coming soon. Until then, this is *somewhat* of a top dog. I am sure many remember the fake BaT auction of the 245k SEC that had everything touched but the engine, Pierre had a helluva reaction vid to it... This one had the right idea, but fell short. One day someone will go the distance to give these legends a proper restomod that they deserve, one that truly checks all the boxes... Until then.....all we can do it wait, while the builders build. In quote the great Mike Ehrmantraut .... "No more half measures.... (
@BigD laying that pipeeeee! Nicely done sir, well deserved.... ::clink::
Would you accept Bitcoin? It'd be a devastatingly stupid decision (not to accept it ofc) , but I am getting a woody thinking of this next my black 560 AMG Tribute on air ride... Bravo, seller, bravo... This thing deserves 1.5-2+ BTC
I have 100k into my AMG 560 Tribute and would trade for this in heartbeat (providing she goes for less than 50k) - I am about 400hp and 60k away from my goal. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast...
I am going to be super embarrassed if my answer to this question is: "the rear windows do not go down on this pillarless coupe" but I would not be able to sleep tonight if I didn't.... Why are there no pictures of the rear windows in the down position?
@cmaack25 - You know what you have to do!
@kwiekclassics - I will be reaching out soon in regards to a supercharger kit I am designing with Elbe Engineering out in Europe. Would love to have your input and/or contributions!!
@kwiekclassics - tell me/us more about this AMG conversion 👀
What a steal Mack Daddy!!! Enjoy the hell out of this!
This car is worth 50k for sure. If it were authentic AMG with double the miles it would be worth a quarter million. What a steal!
@merc2000 wow, I am even more impressed seeing that you built her. Amazing. I know how hard those AMG bits are to come by! @thembmarket - is it possible to remove the typo in my username and change to SwissBliss ? 🙏
This is such a great buy for anything less than $50k. I am speaking as an owner of a black on black 560 with 100k+ into the restomod build. I can't tell you how much I would give to have this as a sister, but need the money for engine swap. Good luck to the bidders. Bravo, seller, bravo!!! Also shout-out to @thembmarket for giving us such an amazing forum for our specialized passions..
@Youngclassicamg So a dash cap, not a replacement new old stock dash?
@PatinaCollective !!!
Go Vico, Go Vico!!!!
Let's go Vico and The Patina Crew!!!!
And for further reference, new seats (I went with Recaro CSEs) can be had for <$4000, including new upholstery. I am sure you could reupholster the existing seats for much cheaper. IMHO this could be "restored" for less than 10k, to include some engine work and definitely a detail. I have no idea what reserve is but due to condition I think there is soooo much money going to be left on the table. I am a bidder and will be keeping an eye on this.
For reference, I was able to replace all the woodgrain for less than $1000
See here for pics of what Igor from Restored in USA can do for the Woodgrain. He did an amazing job on my 560SEC:
@lowphat88 can you reach out on BenzWorld @SwissBliss, perhaps we can work something out...
I had an internet outage, I am so so very bummed, would have paid much more for these. Oh well, will keep my eyes out for another set.
Bidders please keep in mind we will have to pay an additional $225 in addition to the final sale price, and possibly other fees. Also, I really really need these to complete my build :-D
@FatFrog Yep, purchased in March of this year. New seats, wheels, audio, woodgrain. Just need these lights and a few other things to complete the build.
They will be going here: - Doug in Dallas
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1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL 5.4 AMG
SwissBliss said:
@amg5pt4 Doh! Knowing you have multiple, I figured it could be your 5th
1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL 5.4 AMG
SwissBliss said:
@Patinacollective is in the house! Awesome comment and would love to learn more about the certification, is it just for AMG 126s? @amg5pt4 Precisely and so well put -- not only that , but you had the 'eye' and knew what few did before the market exploded on these. And STILL made her better over 15 years, and STILL didn't sell when the market corrected, until now. And you STILL have another one. Could we get some background on your username please? 😛 P.s. You are my hero.
1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL 5.4 AMG
SwissBliss said:
I don't know what to say about the car that hasn't really already been said, but the seller has been the ideal owner of this car. TBH I haven't even checked any pics (I already know how clean it is) and went straight to the comments... This is going to be a good one and to me, this is what sets @MBMarket apart from what bring a trailer has become -- sellers like this, with extreme passion/knowledge/skills/funds, to properly take care, enjoy, and perhaps even break even or make a profit -- and that goes the same for the bidders & peanut gallery 😅 THIS is how it is done, amazing opening comment, follow ups, AMG history for us nerds, this seller/auction has it all! @AMG5pt4 Well done sir!
Staggered 3-piece 17" AMG Aero III Wheels by OZ Racing
SwissBliss said:
I am wanting to go much deeper, like 3"
Weistec 2010 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG P30
SwissBliss said:
My grandpappy's last dying words, his dying wish...was to never buy a boosted car without a dyno sheet. I have never let him down..
Weistec 2010 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG P30
SwissBliss said:
@seller can you please post the dyno sheets?
Staggered 3-piece 17" AMG Aero III Wheels by OZ Racing
SwissBliss said:
Can these be fitted with deep dish lips? I am looking to mount on a 560SEC
Staggered 19" Lorinser RSK-3 Wheels
SwissBliss said:
Crying tears of joy in 560SEC...
Modified Euro 1988 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC
SwissBliss said:
@Bologna1 - I would love to pick your brain about this car and the build, I am working on something similar and am curious if I should add 300-400hp to my SEC or go widebody (everything else is done)... could you give me an email so we can link up? witt . douglas AT gmail DOTCOM
2018 Mercedes-AMG GT3 Chassis
SwissBliss said:
Is there a reserve?! ::::::::::::::::::::::OOOOOHHHHHhhhhhhh YYYYYYYYYYYYYYeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh::::::::::::::::::::::
2018 Mercedes-AMG GT3 Chassis
SwissBliss said:
I am so very confused
1990 Mercedes-Benz 560SEC AMG Widebody Tribute
SwissBliss said:
@theamgkit are you a vendor? What's your BenzWorld handle? Would love to connect..
1990 Mercedes-Benz 560SEC AMG Widebody Tribute
SwissBliss said:
@seller - Can you confirm that 100% of the functions/buttons on the Recaro CSE seats work? As in, do they operate via the seat controls with 10+ functions, or do they only work with the 3 function OEM door controls...?
NO RESERVE: Mercedes-Benz W126 Gen II Euro-Spec Front & Rear Bumpers
SwissBliss said:
I did notice something, confirmed after collaborating with my BenzWorld colleagues.... You noted that this also fits a 560SEC / C126 , however it does not, especially with the front bumper and the chrome... Not only will it take a significant effort from a body shop due to the difference on the ends, but the chrome piece on the front bumper is entirely incompatible, due to the difference between the sedan and coupe grilles.. The do not fit whatsoever. That does not even get into the blatant exclusion of the foglights, a crucial 560SEC design feature. With that being said, somebody please outbid me.... so I do not have to default. I probably should not have spilled the beans to eliminate any 560SEC bidders, but I could not in good faith allow someone else to get stuck holding the bag. God help me.....
NO RESERVE: Mercedes-Benz W126 Gen II Euro-Spec Front & Rear Bumpers
SwissBliss said:
Good to know, thanks for the prompt response Sherminator!
NO RESERVE: Mercedes-Benz W126 Gen II Euro-Spec Front & Rear Bumpers
SwissBliss said:
Is this the same unit? It is same color and grass background, but seems to be different location, just wanted to double check..
NO RESERVE: Mercedes-Benz W126 Gen II Euro-Spec Front & Rear Bumpers
SwissBliss said:
Can the damage be repaired?
NO RESERVE: Mercedes-Benz W126 Gen II Euro-Spec Front & Rear Bumpers
SwissBliss said:
What would shipping be to 75077?
NO RESERVE: 1991 Mercedes-Benz 500SL 6.0 AMG
SwissBliss said:
Any update @ammaraj24 ? Please don't continue the cycle of not verifying and selling to another poor schmuck later...
2001 Mercedes-Benz CL500
SwissBliss said:
@mbmarket - Gripping grain, swanging and bangin.......Love the Paul Wall reference, Blakely! IYKYK.....
M117 Tri-Y Headers for Mercedes-Benz W/C126
SwissBliss said:
Very good price for both buyer and seller. Also, shout-out to the legendary 560SEC wizard, @magicbigdaddy
M117 Tri-Y Headers for Mercedes-Benz W/C126
SwissBliss said:
@MBFahrer - what does that even matter, especially on an 83 500se (no offense, seriously...) -- the only person that would know would be you, the fact that the downpipes are not AMG is such an incredibly trivial detail that does not matter, especially on a non-AMG car. The only reason these are so valued is that they are damn near perfect headers which would cost many thousand for a custom exhaust shop to create with a similar or higher (if possible) level of performance. The downpipes just connect the headers to the rest of the exhaust, essentially straight tubes... If I had to choose from my $2000 (I checked what I had paid and it wasn't $1750 :-( ) set that included downpipes, but not ceramic coated, vs. these and had my exhaust shop fab downpipes (while they were fabbing the rest of the exhaust anyway) , it would be a no-brainer.... ESPECIALLY if I could get them for same price or less, considering I was quoted $400+ for ceramic coating. Someone is going to get a helluva deal, regardless of price, just due to how rare these are. If you have a W126 or 560SEC , JUMP ON THESE.... BRB... going to post this ad to BenzWorld to help seller (& my SEC friends) out. GLWA!!!
M117 Tri-Y Headers for Mercedes-Benz W/C126
SwissBliss said:
WOW!!! These are the holy grail right here.... For reference, I paid $1750 earlier this year, and they were not as nice nor ceramic coated like these. They did have downpipes though... Add a custom exhaust with X Pipe & Cat delete and muffler of choice (I went with a valved Valvetronic kit which allows you to open them up at the push of a wireless button) and you are in sonic heaven. Additionally, the trusty butt dyno confirms a noticeable power boost. Buyer is going to get a helluva great and very very rare and unique set of headers!
17" AMG Aero I Monoblock Wheels
SwissBliss said:
Could I please get a shipping quote to Texas, USA (75077 zip code)
NO RESERVE: 1991 Mercedes-Benz 500SL 6.0 AMG
SwissBliss said:
. @ammaraj24 - I will be following you on reddit for sure.... (Have never been on Instagram once in my life, not today, satan) VERY interested in how this turns out!
NO RESERVE: 1991 Mercedes-Benz 500SL 6.0 AMG
SwissBliss said:
Am I the only one feeling the seller is constantly dogging the engine questions. Does he not understand that the body parts bring negligible value to this car unless there is 100% certainty this is a true 6.0 AMG?!?!!?! I would even bet that he is losing money vs just being advertised as a 500SL. $50-$100k+ left on the table without evidence. Even if a PPI was $5k, it is an insane decision if the seller truly knows the provenance of the vehicle. And it is also a glaring red flag if the seller does not go to whatever lengths necessary, big or small, to confirm this is a true 6.0 AMG... Don't even get me started on the likely lost value vs. just being honest, of this due to the seller not publishing or (even worse) not pursuing this information within the next 7 days. I for one am withholding a bed until proper evidence is presented.... !Remind me 6 days!
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
@TheAMGKit I have not ever logged on/looked at Instagram once in my life. Not today, Satan!
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
@kwiekClassics I am just curious, how much would a M113 / M113K swap cost, with either a 6 Speed Manual, or this same 722 auto swap? Total, all in, if you were shipped a Grade A SEC that did not need anything other than a new engine, trans, and 400 more HP?
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
This comment section is on fire. I hope this goes to 100k and am extremely thankful for all of the Kweik supporters showing out.... It has solidified my decision to have Matt take my 560 to the next level, 600hp+ . King of C126 Restomods, Master of MBMarket, all hail the champ....
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
Matt, I don't think there could have been a better response from a better seller than that. When you said personal m113K it was checkmate, bravo. I had no idea Matt / @kwiekclassics built this car, he is an SEC legend.
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
Also, to clarify, no hate at all....The seller has built an impressive canvas, and I truly hope this meets reserve/gets full value, as well as the buyer getting a great deal with enough funds to complete the build!
5.4L M113-Swapped 1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC AMG Tribute
SwissBliss said:
I am in awe. Both at everything done, but also of the thought process of not swapping a 113K instead. While it is a huge miss, if this can be had for under 20k it would be a decent deal....and the new owner can definitely do right by adding a Kompressor... Speaking from experience as an SEC owner with 100k into mine (everything this + more) with the only thing missing is a proper engine swap. 500rwhp+ Kompressor or bust!!! Coming soon. Until then, this is *somewhat* of a top dog. I am sure many remember the fake BaT auction of the 245k SEC that had everything touched but the engine, Pierre had a helluva reaction vid to it... This one had the right idea, but fell short. One day someone will go the distance to give these legends a proper restomod that they deserve, one that truly checks all the boxes... Until then.....all we can do it wait, while the builders build. In quote the great Mike Ehrmantraut .... "No more half measures.... (
1992 Mercedes-Benz 400E AMG Hammer Tribute
SwissBliss said:
@BigD laying that pipeeeee! Nicely done sir, well deserved.... ::clink::
1992 Mercedes-Benz 400E AMG Hammer Tribute
SwissBliss said:
Would you accept Bitcoin? It'd be a devastatingly stupid decision (not to accept it ofc) , but I am getting a woody thinking of this next my black 560 AMG Tribute on air ride... Bravo, seller, bravo... This thing deserves 1.5-2+ BTC
1992 Mercedes-Benz 400E AMG Hammer Tribute
SwissBliss said:
I have 100k into my AMG 560 Tribute and would trade for this in heartbeat (providing she goes for less than 50k) - I am about 400hp and 60k away from my goal. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast...
1999 Mercedes-Benz CL600
SwissBliss said:
I am going to be super embarrassed if my answer to this question is: "the rear windows do not go down on this pillarless coupe" but I would not be able to sleep tonight if I didn't.... Why are there no pictures of the rear windows in the down position?
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
@cmaack25 - You know what you have to do!
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
@kwiekclassics - I will be reaching out soon in regards to a supercharger kit I am designing with Elbe Engineering out in Europe. Would love to have your input and/or contributions!!
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
@kwiekclassics - tell me/us more about this AMG conversion 👀
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
What a steal Mack Daddy!!! Enjoy the hell out of this!
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
This car is worth 50k for sure. If it were authentic AMG with double the miles it would be worth a quarter million. What a steal!
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
@merc2000 wow, I am even more impressed seeing that you built her. Amazing. I know how hard those AMG bits are to come by! @thembmarket - is it possible to remove the typo in my username and change to SwissBliss ? 🙏
Euro 1989 Mercedes-Benz 300CE 5-Speed Manual
SwissBliss said:
This is such a great buy for anything less than $50k. I am speaking as an owner of a black on black 560 with 100k+ into the restomod build. I can't tell you how much I would give to have this as a sister, but need the money for engine swap. Good luck to the bidders. Bravo, seller, bravo!!! Also shout-out to @thembmarket for giving us such an amazing forum for our specialized passions..
1987 Mercedes-Benz 560SEC Zender
SwissBliss said:
@Youngclassicamg So a dash cap, not a replacement new old stock dash?
NO RESERVE: 1982 Mercedes-Benz 380SEL Limousine Project
SwissBliss said:
@PatinaCollective !!!
1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL Carat Duchatelet "1000SEL Cullinan"
SwissBliss said:
Go Vico, Go Vico!!!!
1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL Carat Duchatelet "1000SEL Cullinan"
SwissBliss said:
Let's go Vico and The Patina Crew!!!!
1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL Carat Duchatelet "1000SEL Cullinan"
SwissBliss said:
And for further reference, new seats (I went with Recaro CSEs) can be had for <$4000, including new upholstery. I am sure you could reupholster the existing seats for much cheaper. IMHO this could be "restored" for less than 10k, to include some engine work and definitely a detail. I have no idea what reserve is but due to condition I think there is soooo much money going to be left on the table. I am a bidder and will be keeping an eye on this.
1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL Carat Duchatelet "1000SEL Cullinan"
SwissBliss said:
For reference, I was able to replace all the woodgrain for less than $1000
1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL Carat Duchatelet "1000SEL Cullinan"
SwissBliss said:
See here for pics of what Igor from Restored in USA can do for the Woodgrain. He did an amazing job on my 560SEC:
NO RESERVE: Bosch C126 European Market Headlamps
SwissBliss said:
@lowphat88 can you reach out on BenzWorld @SwissBliss, perhaps we can work something out...
NO RESERVE: Bosch C126 European Market Headlamps
SwissBliss said:
I had an internet outage, I am so so very bummed, would have paid much more for these. Oh well, will keep my eyes out for another set.
NO RESERVE: Bosch C126 European Market Headlamps
SwissBliss said:
Bidders please keep in mind we will have to pay an additional $225 in addition to the final sale price, and possibly other fees. Also, I really really need these to complete my build :-D
NO RESERVE: Bosch C126 European Market Headlamps
SwissBliss said:
@FatFrog Yep, purchased in March of this year. New seats, wheels, audio, woodgrain. Just need these lights and a few other things to complete the build.
NO RESERVE: Bosch C126 European Market Headlamps
SwissBliss said:
They will be going here: - Doug in Dallas